Children's creativity as a New Force for Economic Affairs Indonesia
Recently we saw the news about Esemka, car products work in kids SMK Surakarta. This car was first popularized by the Mayor of Solo himself, Mr. Joko Widodo who used it as his official car. This news is pretty phenomenal, to generate debate among public officials on the pros and cons of the use of the work product of this nation's children. However, it should be appreciated Esemka positive as optimism continued into the next generation of people in the middle of the negative aura and pessimism that seemed inexhaustible exposed to media, moral hazard on the nation's leaders.
Esemka phenomenon, as a result of domestic creativity recalls how wonderful our human resource potential in producing a product that has value for even high sales value in the market. See how a glance can be a trending topic Esemka among public officials and businessmen as well as a high appreciation of the product. This suggests that the public are hungry for the work of the nation that became the pride of the country a competitive product on the market.
The question now, want to carry around momentum (Esemka) by the public? Esemka this phenomenon brings us to two things we associate a momentum behind the rise in the national news this car. The first is how we try Esemka of raising or moving the country back into a child's creativity and quality products to its market value. The second is how from this Esemka, born and products made in Indonesia as the strength of Indonesia in the domestic and international markets.
Creativity, key words are often the standard reference for the nation to achieve success. The question now, can it be realized as a value-added end product? Maybe this time we are trying to stop prides itself as Indonesia, the richest countries in natural resources here in the world if we can not process all of it into a final product that has a competitive and high added value. All too often we hear the sad story of how Indonesia is so vigorous and proud of exporting their natural resources according to their number one in the world if it turns out that importing country's natural wealth is transforming them as products of high quality and expensive on the market worth selling. Enough that we are proud of it, let's think for a moment. Indonesia still has 220 million population of Indonesia is intelligent, skilled, and can process a single word: creativity earlier. We need it, it's pretty much the name of Indonesia fragrant with the generation of the educated world-class achievement, and it was proved that the potential of our human resources are not lost. The issue is now how we surge their spirit, they embodied the potential to create something, employ something. There have been many success stories of the work products of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, ABC Batteries, JCO Donuts, Le Monde, Indomie, Polygon, Essenza, etc.. Esemka himself pointed out that "all able to work ', is how the main impetus came from myself to process what is' all in Indonesia' to be a popular product in the international market.
Made in Indonesia may be a term that is not so popular, even by its own domestic consumers when choosing a product in department stores in Indonesia. Sad indeed, but that's a fact, and it should be abolished as an impetus to make the products in the country's new national economic strength. See the fact that high economic growth in Indonesia 6.5%, which is still supported by the financial sector, rather than productive sectors of agriculture and manufacturing a range of percentage of support from the sector is decreasing. See also how the 6.5% was driven by domestic consumption instead of productive sectors. This is an advanced answer to the question of how to continue racing in Indonesia's economic growth, but no significant changes in the welfare of the community. How the lack of our society to move, utilize their potential for productivity that produces something. The wheels on the real economy must be driven, and the bracket is the community itself with the spirit of hard work and creativity of work. If it is in the hearts of our communities, stigma 'lowly' Made in Indonesia could disappear, and even change into a form of pride for his enthusiasm and creativity of the people of Indonesia to compete, produce the best products that can be sold in the market domestically and internationally.
The nation's future in the hands of the younger generation, the future of the national economy is in the hands of the hands of our young people who have a creative, productive life, work ethic, and passion for meciptakan something. Not the consumptive our financial sector we are we can be proud again from now on as a driver of economic growth, but how creativity, "let's make-or create something" as a passionate young people today, creating a product 100% Indonesia as Esemka, which of course not only phenomenal in the eyes of public officials, entrepreneurs, and communities in the country, but also a product trending at an international audience. Hope.
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