

Traditional Medicinal Plants Acid potions Java

Curable Disease.
Traditional Medicinal Plants of Java Acid can treat: Asthma, Cough, Fever, hot pain, Rheumatic, abdominal pain, morbili; Allergy / biduren, Thrush, a new wound, wound ulcers, eczema, ulcers; Swelling stung by a centipede / bees, snakes can bite, hair loss.

Recipe Acid Utilization of Medicinal Plants of Java:
Asthma drug ingredients: 2 (two) pieces of tamarind bark and Fennel pulawaras taste with 1 quart boiling water until boiling, then filtered. Taken 2 times a day.
Dry Cough Remedy: 3 (three) and tamarind fruit pod ½ handheld Saga leaves boiled with 4 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
Drug Fever Remedy: 1 (one) hand-held leaf and Fennel Java pulawaras acid taste. Both ingredients are boiled in ½ liter of water to boiling, then filtered. Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
Pain medicine herb Heat: 2 (two) tamarind fruit pods that have been cooked and salt to taste. Both ingredients are brewed with 1 cup hot water, then filtered. Plain drunk. Note: for pregnant women should not drink recipe.
Rheumatic Drugs ingredients: 1 (one) hand-held leaf Amino Acids Java Java beans plus 2-3 (klungsu = java). Method: The material is finely ground. Once the fine is then used to compress the affected part.
Herb medicine Stomach ache:
Recipe 1
3 pods of the tamarind fruit is ripe, whiting and eucalyptus oil to taste
All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed
How to use: used as a liniment, especially on the abdomen
Recipe 2
3 (three) pods of tamarind fruit, a piece of palm sugar.
Both ingredients are brewed with 1 cup hot water, then filtered
How to use, regular drink
Recipe 3
2 (two) pieces of tamarind pods, turmeric 1 of thumb, a piece of palm sugar
Method: Turmeric is shredded, then mixed with other ingredients and brewed with 1 cup hot water, then filtered
How to use: drinked ordinary

  • Herb medicine for Morbili: tamarind fruit that has been cooking 1-2 pieces, Turmeric rhizome of thumb 2. Method: Turmeric is shredded, then the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. How to use: use as a powder / ointment for patients with morbili
  • Remedy for Allergy Drugs / biduren (Java): Ingredients: 2-3 golong tamarind fruit that was old, salt to taste, ¼ tablespoon whiting. How to make: all ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups and filtered. How to use: drinked 2 times a day, morning and afternoon
  • Drug Remedy Thrush: Ingredients: 2 pieces tamarind pods, 2 ginger rhizome of thumb, a piece of palm sugar. Method: boil all these ingredients to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. How to use: drinked ordinary
  • Java Acid herb medicine for a new wound: tamarind leaves to taste. Method: tamarind leaves chewed until creamed. How to use: placed on the wound
  • Herbs for ulcers Wounds: Some tamarind seeds (klungsu = java) until finely ground, then placed on the wound, then bandage
  • Remedy for Eczema Drugs and Ulcers: Ingredients: 1 handful of tamarind leaves are still young (sinom = Java), 2 turmeric rhizome of thumb. How to make: the ingredients until finely ground. How to use: placed on the sick
  • Herb medicine for swelling due to a bee sting or centipede: Ingredients: 3-5 seeds tamarind and eucalyptus oil to taste. Method: finely ground tamarind seeds. How to use: the swelling cleaned first with a cloth moistened with eucalyptus oil, then sprinkled / bubukan plastered with the tamarind seeds.


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