

IT doctors from Vietnam

A lot of sense to access the health technology
Who says medical technology is expensive? What is the cost when you perform endoscopy? Endoscopy is a tool to see the inside of your body using the cameras. So we put the camera body and then viewed and photographed, what a nuisance therein. Endoscope can be inserted into the gastrointestinal tract as well as get into the abdominal cavity such as the gynecological examination (abnormalities in the female reproductive organs).

Once a doctor Vietnam (but this really happened) managed to outsmart Endoscopy whose value is worth around 30 000 dollars to 1000 dollars only. The most expensive cost of hand-made endoscope is because skope / camera worth 800 dollars. While the adapter is only about 30 dollars. According to Dr. Nguyen Huy Phouc, tools made using a Pentium IV computer and the Windows operating system can be created in just a week. While the research to make this tool about 2 years.

Welcome to IT doctors from Vietnam.

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