

Artistik Teknologi Seni Digital

Artistic Digital Art Technology: Video Games and Graffiti Lighting (Light Painting)

The scope of art as a result of artistic activity that includes sound art, art movement and art activities in accordance with the media. The media has a meaning in this case means that define the limits of the scope of art. Art itself in Sanskrit is called cilpa which means color. And in English art has a root word meaning modes, road, or cara.Jadi art has a function that one of them is as a medium to express themselves, or to give an appreciation of what we feel.

In the arts community itself rather as an abstract thing, and just rely on our feelings when creating art sendiri.namun, along with the development of the times and technology, the arts also experienced rapid growth, until now comes the so-called digital art. Digital art itself is a work of art created by combining the existing digital technology with our ability to appreciate what we feel that creating a work of art that are of interest masyarakat.dalam this article the author takes the video game cntoh light graffiti and art (painting light).

A. Video Game

Video games have grown so rapidly in our society today. Even been played by all ages and profesi.hal is because the sophistication of digital technology in computer technology combined with artistic computer game that sendiri.Video memugkinkan us to interact with others in a different world (the world game), and also allows us to create the world we inginkan.berbeda with the television movie that just allows us to see in a single direction. as one of the digital art, video games certainly can not be separated from the two components of the artistic or art in it, such as how we design the course of the game itself and how we make the game so they can have a positive impact on the wearer. and also the technology used to implement the art that was created because without digital technology, we can not make it into a vodeo game.dari it is seen that in the digital arts were highly correlated both kompnen membutuhkan.jika and each one of these components does not exist, then it can not be said to be a digital art.

2. Light Graffiti (light painting)

Light Graffiti or art of painting began to flourish in the light of today's society. This is because the process of creating art in itself a very interesting and challenging as well as the results are very artistic.salah one form of digital art can be said to be a blend of technology of photography, light painting, and graffiti.Cahaya - light generated from the tool - a tool such as flashlights, bulbs, fireworks, or any object that can emit light. Then the light - the light was taken using a digital camera that produces images that are very artistic.hal is what makes the public interest in this is enormous. Can be said of digital art creation process is similar to painting, only the darkness of night as a canvas, and light bulbs as a paint. and like the previous example that every digital art composed of two main components, as well as light graffiti which is a combination of these two components, namely the sophistication of digital camera technology used to take pictures, and of course the soul of our art in view of the form - the form the artistic of the light produced.

Below is an example - an example of digital art, light graffiti: