Making a Work of Art Spectacular: Skill, Hard Work, Love and Purity
Planning costumes, choreography and artistic background of high technology, bringing the past into the present.
Overall necessary preparations for a year. Dancer costumes, choreography is precise with a marvelous background has made the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular is stunning.

These dances featuring Chinese history 5000 years old and the various traditions of Chinese society, ranging from Tibet to Mongolia to the Yunnan region, as well as the dances of the palace.
Tsuai Yung Yung is one of the Divine Performing Arts choreographer and a teacher Martha Graham School of contemporary dance. As a choreographer and dance teacher, dancer Tsuai help a lot of preparation to deal with the annual show. Preparation includes daily exercise immediately after a world tour that year was completed.
For Tsuai, natural appearance is very important as well as expertise in bring.
"When art presents the beauty and positive side of human nature, can positively influence the audience about how they interact with other people in their daily lives," he said.
He stressed that the Spectacular is a unique show because how that is done to bring the audience beyond the deadline to the days when humans stressed chivalry, loyalty and honesty.
"We not only perform traditional Chinese culture per se, but we also try to awaken the longing for beauty and goodness in the community," said Tsuai.
Colorful costumes
While the theme of dance and choreography that brought the art of ancient Chinese cultural traditions of the past, dancers costumes also show the authenticity of sparkling color. Just as in dance performances, prepare costume is a long process and the full rigor.
Adjusted to the concept of making dance costumes that will be displayed. If the dance is set in a dynasty, the costumes must be tailored to the history of the time, says designer Amy Lee.
"When I came to the United States, I find it difficult to find an expression of traditional Chinese culture. Through this show, I saw a hope in keeping this culture for the sake of future generations. "
The designers refer to the canvas paintings, wall paintings and sculptures from time to time to gain insight into his style of dress, hairstyle, shoes and accessories at the time. Then make a sketch, with the understanding should not be one hundred percent equal to that era, also designed in such a way as to not interfere with freedom of the dancers, where they have to jump and spin 80 times throughout the show.
Scratches can be a costume sketches after the clothing store. A pattern is created and an instance created costumes. If approved, the costume will be duplicated into dozens. If rejected, the process will be repeated again.
Lee emphasized the deeper characteristics of the costume. "Clothing is not just a garment. Also clothing reflect a person's thinking, culture and respect for the Creator. "
Touch technology (hi-tech) in the culture of the past
However, all the dances and costumes of charm, it also requires a background setting, the place where the event's history is displayed. Sensation at the time the arrangement of the background can be achieved with a touch of modern technology.
The touch is able to combine art high technology, electronics and photo projection background.
Spectacular performances using this combination to create the animated backgrounds and views of Chinese domestic architecture of the past to audiences around the world.
Jim Chu, a digital design New Tang Dynasty said that the process was started seven or eight months before the show. Like the costumes of dancers, this process begins with the observation in the books, paintings and other things that can explain the real history.
Every small detail needs to accuracy, he added.
"We do not install a window or door style of the Ming Dynasty to the Qing dynasty Tang Dynasty buildings. Some experts in the audience may be able to recognize the error, "he said jokingly.
As well as dance and costume, the background has the primary purpose of which also require more detailed study. The whole team must work together to bring the sensation of the past, naturally presenting the ancient Chinese tradition into today's real. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, where virtue and piety are emphasized in daily life, in the bring back the values of human culture is best at that time in public life.
In the end the whole dancer, dancer costumes and backgrounds united to bring the audience into the period of the most pristine in the history of mankind. Of course, there are other elements that also play a role. Support equipment such as a giant lotus flowers, flags and swords also need to be made.
Similarly, a one-year preparatory period by a team of orchestra supporters Spectacular show, Divine Performing Arts Orchestra. But this is another story. (The Epoch Times) ***
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