

Strength Super Normal

Strength Super Normal

Human beings are very strange sometimes. When watching something rather beyond the reach of the ratio, just as the phenomenon is considered super normal symptoms. Yet for those who understand the technical ropes may be the phenomenon it was not something strange, anomalous, or abnormal.

In addition to people who tend to have a pattern of "terminal thinking" who only see things through the eyes of the "black? White", then his understanding of the phenomenon of super normal is also very biased and tendentious. For them, all the power in this world is divided into two poles: the power of God and the power of the devil. Point, that's it! If you want to talk philosophy is actually in fact there is only one "true power" the power of God. While the name suggests the power of evil is only apparent power (but real) and the strength of transient and impermanent.

However, the view that in this universe there are only two kinds of forces are also clearly did not actually correspond to reality. We know "the power of angels", for example. Angel Michael for example has an "angelic power" capable of defeating "evil forces" "satanic power" of Lucifer. In addition there is also the power of "the spirit of man" (human spirit power). Whose name is "the power of faith" (power of faith) is in fact nothing else than the (identical)? and came from - "will power" (will power). There is also the forces of the human dimension to another. It's called the "power of the mind" (mind power), there are "emotional power" (emotional power) such as: "the power of love" (love power) and "the power of hatred" (hate power). There is "the power of hope" (power of hope). There is also "the power to speak" (persuasive power). The power of human intuition (intuitive power). In fact, we know the level fisikalpun "mechanical strength" (mechanical power), "electric power" (electrical power), "magnetic force" (magnetic power), "force of attraction" (adhesive power), "the power of healing" (healing power) or his opponent is "the power of poison" (toxic power) and so on. All the power that is not the divine power level is called the "power dynamics" (dunamos? Yun).

That Jesus could perform miracles many miracles or all of which can be read in the Gospel. Such as the doubling of food (food multiplication), found a spot a crowd of fish (now can find a spot paranormal or mineral oil), turning water into wine, walking on water, stop the storm, predicted the existence of a coin 'syekel' at the mouth of the fish, treat lepers , lame, blind, dumb, or deaf. Even to float (levitation), be in two places at once (bilokasi), his spirit wanders during sleep (astral projection) or prophesying (prophecy) many yogis, faqir, avatar, saint or a monk who is able to do it. Padre Pio on too frequent "spontaneous levitation" while praying fervently in which his "lifted" from the ground. (If only Padre Pio could experience spontaneous levitation, then what can be strange when Jesus was taken by levitation `voluntary '?? At its sole option.)

Saint Therese Avilla experiencing a strange phenomenon of stigmata while praying. Many other human beings who "have power" to do the same things like that. My friend Br. Yan Husada can identify the disease and determine its therapeutic foliatif Radi-through capability `tele-estesia '?? are actually no more and no less than "intuitive power" of the right hemisphere of the human brain hemisfir solely. It must not have direct power of the Spirit of God even though he was a Catholic monk. And how the Spirit of God works through human beings are also part remains a mystery, although for certain that it was also going through right hemisfir human brainpower. Just to explain everything to the patient's ability to use the formulation of the words of hemisfir left brain? or rational brain.

Not and should not be "divine power" is always involved, but simply by channeling the spirit of man will power alone.

Therefore, if there are miracles performed by humans, so no need to shock and also not have to directly draw conclusions (jump to conclusion) Surely it is because the power of the devil or demon, or a more subtle term "power of darkness".

That can not be done by anyone is after death, then the strength of his own rise from the dead. In human history this happened only once, namely in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. That is why He is called God and Christ! No other human being, including any other prophet, who is able to experience death and a few days later on his own strength rose from the dead to life again.

Power of the human spirit can be trained through "if the intention" intensive. This was never discussed in previous articles. In fact, can even be trained by all and every human being. Why? Quite simply, because every human being has a spirit, each man also has the will and every person has a brain with his pineal gland. Never mind the man, whose name also has a similar willingness amoeba. Worms have the will to resist when stepped on. Anjingpun have a willingness to bite if disturbed. Even snakes have the power to "witch" who want to prey dipatuknya so amazed and unable to move (stupor).

Metaphysical abilities developed through a two-way human beings. The first time through the excitation power of the human brain is functioning at a low level of vibration in silence. Even God himself is present only in the quiet MAU (1 Kings 19: 12). So, they are not able to appreciate the silence, they are also not going to ever be able to have much less control of the forces of (super power) of the human spirit.

Second, is by training willpower or determination (volition) through ascetic behavior, behavior that is through asceticism, fasting (prayer, fasting) and held various other bodily passions (anger, sex, etc.).

That "the power of the spirit of" human can be abused, then that is a moral issue and another issue. PURPOSE It is the question for what it's used the power of the human spirit. Like a knife, whether it will be used to slit the throats of `chicken 'or to' slit the throats of people '. Or gun, is used to hunt wild boars or to shoot people. So the decision to ban the production or storage blades, for example, because it can be used to kill, would be a decision or rule that is really crazy and absurd.

Humans have three basic faculties are reserved, Taste and Karsa. It is as absurd as if human beings are prohibited to hone Karsa force resulting in activation of the ability of super power "power of the spirit" of people. Copyright and flavor if allowed to do the grinding to the maximum extent possible, then what is the reason that Karsa silly man should not even be sharpened? Science can thrive only when the dimension of the human Notices honed as possible. Similarly, cultural and literary arts and in particular can flourish only when the dimension of the human sense honed as possible. So also when the dimension of the human Karsa sharpened as much as possible so people will be able to do many miraculous deeds. Was not berkooperasi or utilize the power of darkness, but rather relies solely Karsa strength of the human spirit. It `human spirit 'that does not have a strong relationship with God, can be turned and co-opted by the forces of darkness. But who told Jakarta `come '? ?? means of cooperation with the `forces of darkness'? Stuck? Yes, one of his own; and would not blame anyone if you're not careful or careless. Cooking techniques that neutral factor blame? Crew is not a good dancer said terjungkat floor. Alternatively, the cleaved mirror ugly.

When people are talking at the level of technique problems (cq how to do "if the initiative" to stimulate the rise of the power of the human spirit), it was absurd when taken to the level of moral dimension, Ethics, Religion or Theology. Mixing things from different levels are nothing but indications of a bias way of thinking straight, clear and healthy.


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