

Internet Advancement Indonesia in 2012

NEW TECHNOLOGY - Some Facts Internet Advancement Indonesia in 2012, In December 2011 Earlier this month ago, There was a study done by an international survey agency on technological developments in Indonesia, especially in terms of social media, internet, and mobile devices. Overall, the report produces data Paseban show below.

This study also provides details of the three categories of social media, internet, and mobile devices, that where there are some interesting facts of technological development in Indonesia.

The first fact, technological developments in Indonesia shows internet users in Indonesia is very high. Statistical data regarding the number of Internet users there are differences between the data on the Internet World Statsa an international website that features up to date on Internet usage, population statistics, and statistics on sata world of Internet research, which includes more than 233 countries "that are often a global reference with local data belonging SalingSilang.com. Where the difference is very much adrift.

When viewed from the user, the technology development in Indonesia report shows more than half of internet users in Indonesia under the age of 20 years. When disaggregated by gender, technological developments in Indonesia report shows Internet users in Indonesia, mostly men.

The second fact, technological developments in Indonesia showed that 61% of total Internet users are online via mobile devices. And if not through mobile devices, most internet users in Indonesia will be online via WiFi networks that exist in the Cafe.

The third fact, the data are of technological development in Indonesia as a whole above mentioned that internet users only 17% of the total population of Indonesia. But the internet is the most widely used by the Indonesian community media than radio or newspapers.
The fourth fact, report the development of technology in Indonesia stated that Indonesia Internet users prefer to use social media as a communication medium compared to other media. And 89% of Internet users in Indonesia will always visit social media sites.
Did you know that the average tweet per day from users Indonesia is 1,293,131. This means 15 tweet sent by Internet users Indonesia every single second.

The fifth fact of technological developments in Indonesia reports that an international survey conducted by the agency is fairly high interest of internet users to the video content in cyberspace. 51% of all Internet users or downloadkonten Indonesia streaming online video per month. This result is not a surprise when viewed from the local video content hit Indonesia on youtube.
Would you like to share your images and display them on the internet? And there are some people who call you "narcissistic." Well, do not worry about that, because of the fact the sixth of technological developments in Indonesia report states you are not the only one. Survey indicate that almost all, 90%, Indonesia internet users take advantage of photo-sharing service websites.

Function of the current blog has been developed into many functions. Blogs are generally used only owned by people who love to write and to publish the results of writing articles for other people. But now the photos and video may be the main content of a blog. Function also evolved into a kind of social media where the bloggers coming together, a means of income by the number of advertisers who are willing to put their ads on the blog berpengunjung high, some use a kind of online diary, to be an online portfolio.

The development of even this blog has touched the ground water, where the facts seventh of technological development in Indonesia, stated that there are more than 5 million internet users' blogs in our country.
Facts that can be taken from the eighth survey of technology development in Indonesia is the largest youth are Internet users, the site they visit most often is social media, they like the social media as a means of communication compared to other media, and they prefer to visit via mobile phone.

Maybe you all already know that Indonesia has long occupied the second position as the largest social media users in the world. And a Global Web Index Survey conducted recently show that Internet users Indonesia, along with the Philippines, is "the most social people on earth."


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