

Google adsense new registration rules

Indeed, the fate of petty harder publisher wrote, but simply got banned.Sekarang to approve the google adsense also go through stages of review for 4 days so after google adsense is received, we can not automatically be direct display adsense.

Performance of our blog will be seen first by google when it might be a competitive blog adsense account then we will truly aktif.Peraturan latest google adsense registration seems only implemented on 27 September 2011, because on the 26th I also received adsense using your name but no emails like this and his adsense account can directly display the ad.

The fact is I really natural, but his blog is a blog and use blogspot.Dibawah abal abal is SS of the email I received from google, please let me enlarge it more clear picture.

So from now on keep your adsense account properly for the latest google registration process is not gampang.Satu more tips from me, make a google adsense account that much because if only a very vulnerable, vulnerable banned.Bila we have more than one account, we have adsense account back up when our main account banned.


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